A health conscious, plant based cafe born in the heart of Bali. Everyday our menu celebrates just how delicious a vegan & vegetarian cuisine can be.


Monday – Sunday

8AM - 4PM


+62 878 5522 3426

hello (at) cafeorganic (dot) co

Recipe Time

Get cookin' good lookin'


Almond Meal Pancakes

Ingredients 4 eggs 3/4 plant milk 1/4 cup avocado oil (sub with whatever healthy oil…

Berry & Chia Jam

Ingredients: 1 cups fresh or frozen Raspberry 1 cup fresh or frozen strawberry (strawberries, blackberries, blueberries,…

Peanut Butter Smoothie Bowl

Ingredients 2 ripe bananas, peeled and frozen 2 tbsp creamy peanut butter 1/2 tsp vanilla essence 2 tbsp flaxseed meal …
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